
So You Think You're Ready?

Our certified Driving Instructors will give you a practice road test using the same NYS DMV Road Test Evaluation Point System and let you know how you'd do! This mock exam is 20 minutes and is given by appointment only. You'll be tested on:

  • Driver's Judgement 
  • Laws of the road & Knowledge
  • Car control & maneuvering skills
  • Observation & Anticipation of Pedestrians
  • Defensive Driving methods
  • Influence of attitude, emotions, and skills on driver safety
  • Awareness in Traffic & Attention to Road Participants

This is a practice exam not a driving lesson, your instructor will not correct you, this is to show how many points you'd receive during a real road test. *DMV Examiner point decision varies*

Mock Exam | $26 Card/$25 Cash

Packages & Services

You're going to be a great student, and we have the greatest instructors. 

Get Started:

Pre-Licensing Course

Thursday @ 2pm & Saturday @ 10am

Our certified Driving Instructors will get you ready to pass by making sure you know the basics of DMV law and road safety! This class is offered virtually via BlueJeans and is given by appointment only. You'll learn:

  • DMV License violation point system & regulations
  • Laws of the road
  • Car controls & maneuvers
  • The laws of physics & how to drive with them
  • Defensive driving methods
  • Influence of attitude, emotions, and skills on driver safety
  • Drug and alcohol impairment effects

Upon completion, you will be issued a Pre-Licensing Course Completion Certificate (Form MV-278), which is valid for 1 year.

5 Hour Class | $62.40 Card/$60 Cash

Driving Lessons


Consisting of both instruction and lecture, all lessons are prepared in advance by our NYS DMV Licensed Driving Instructors for each of our students individual learning styles. Driving lessons are 45 minutes or 90 minutes and before scheduling, the student has to agree to sign a contract and provide payment. Please visit the Student Information page to review policies, contracts, and DMV forms needed to start lessons. *Pick up not included*

Single Lesson | $54.08 Card/$52 Cash

Highway Single Lesson *Licensed Drivers* | $72.80 Card/$70 Cash

Pick Up/Drop Off Service

From home and back, see if you're eligible for our pick up service to keep your safety and peace of mind close. 

The additional price of our Pick Up/Drop Off Service varies depending on amount of lessons purchased and address distance from our School. 

This service is optional and not included in any of our packages. 

*Price varies on distance/traffic dense areas*

Road Test

Road Test Appointment 

(3-4 weeks) | $26 Card/$25 Cash

(Rush: 2 weeks or less & Weekends) | $52 Card/$50 Cash

Vehicle for Road Test (Bronx/New Rochelle) | $114-$125 Card/$110-$120 Cash

Defensive Driving Course (Point In Reduction Program/Accident Prevention Class/6 Hour Class)

Fridays @ 10am-4pm

This course is open to licensed drivers, we'll make sure you know the basics of DMV law and road safety, because we know with experience may come forgetfulness! This class is offered virtually via video call using BlueJeans and is given by appointment only. You'll be refreshed on:

  • DMV License violation point system & regulations
  • Laws of the road
  • Car Handling in inclement weather
  • The laws of physics & how to drive with them
  • Defensive driving methods/Accident Prevention
  • Influence of attitude, emotions, and skills on driver safety
  • Drug and alcohol impairment effects

Upon completion, you will be mailed a Completion Certificate to the address on file with the DMV within two weeks, which is valid for 10% off insurance rate for 3 years.

Defensive Driving Course | $72.80 Card/$70 Cash